Wednesday, October 21, 2009

State's Rights Tour

Well, I went last night to see Ray McBerry speak again. If you aren’t aware of who he is, he is a Republican candidate for Governor that believes the 10th Amendment is a very valuable thing. He spoke about a topic that is purpose of this blog. It regarded Chisholm v. Georgia (1793). I heard him mention this in a previous speech, but this time it caught my attention and wanted to find out for myself. So, I did a little research to verify my facts. This case involves State’s Rights and just what the intent of the Constitution was, at the time it was written.
Now, because I am human, I have been recently saying that Thomas Jefferson was the writer of the Constitution. That was completely untrue and I didn’t think that through when I said it at the time. Afterall, I did have an education and failed to apply it at the time I said it. The reality is Thomas Jefferson is the father of the Declaration of Independence. It’s James Madison that is to be credited for the writing of the Constitution. Well, recently, someone of the opposing viewpoint showed me a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to James Madison. This letter, to sum it up, states that Thomas Jefferson believed that the Constitution should be re-written every 19 years. It was his belief that it becomes outdated every generation and should be “updated” as such. Here is a link to it if you’d like to read it for yourself:
Through further research, I found that Madison opposed this viewpoint citing that the Constitution is a permanent document and the Amendment process is what should be used instead of a complete re-write. In order to do this, you would require 2/3 of both houses of Congress and then 3/4 of State Legislatures to approve it in order for it to become law. The other option is through a Constitutional Convention. This is conducted by actual citizens of the states instead of their legislature. This has only been used once, to abolish the 18th Amendment. The rest were used by the first mentioned process.
Sorry to go off on a tangent like that. So, let’s get back to the issue at hand. I hear so many people on the left (and even some on the right) talk about how either the Constitution is outdated, that the Federal Government is the supreme power in this country, or that we don’t really know what our Founding Fathers intended when the Constitution was ratified. So, Ray McBerry pointed to this one particular case (Chisholm v. Georgia) to help guide our question. Here is a summary of what took place:

An Alexander Chisholm from South Carolina, in the fall of 1792, filed a lawsuit against the State of Georgia in the U.S. Supreme Court. He was a merchant who wanted payment for goods/services that the state failed to pay. The U.S. Supreme Court ordered the state to appear before it to hear the case. The state failed to appear, with the State Legislature citing that they were not required to appear before the court in cases that they had not approved themselves. Well, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the plaintiff and ordered the state to pay the money they owed. Now, keep in mind, this was in 1792-1793. This was only 3-4 years after the U.S. Constitution was ratified. All of the legislators in Georgia were the original legislators that ratified the Constitution. They believed there was no Constitutional power granting the federal government to require this. Well, we were not the only state that became outraged over this. As a matter of fact, the entire country did and eventually passed the 11th Amendment to the Constitution as a way of overturning the Supreme Court’s decision on this matter.
As a response, the Georgia State Legislature made the point that they do not report to the Federal Government, but that the Federal Government reports to the states. They went on to say, further, that any Federal marshal who attempted to levy upon the property of Georgia in executing the court’s order shall be, “guilty of felony, and shall suffer death, without the benefit of clergy, by being hanged.” They never had to pay the money and the federal government could do nothing to enforce their findings thanks to the 11th Amendment.

This was all done during a time when the Founding Fathers were still in charge and, thus, showed their intent for the Constitution. It’s contrary to today’s popular opinion that the U.S. Federal Government is the final power. The reality is, the 10th Amendment was put in place, before the 11th, showing that if it is not specifically stated in the Constitution, then it is up to the states to decide individually. It also shows that the Federal Government reports to the states and not the other way around. These things of note brought me back to my original opinion that Healthcare Reform, the Department of Education, the Federal Reserve System, and other frivolous processes that have been put in place over the years are, in fact, Un-Constitutional and should be overturned/prevented.

Friday, September 4, 2009

What do YOU consider to be a right?

Well, today was an exceptional day. I ticked off Democrats and Republicans alike. In case you haven't noticed, this country has been in one of the most heated debates over our healthcare system. Many on the left say it is a right for Americans to have healthcare, regardless of who pays for it, because it is for "the benefit of all". The ones on the right and even 57% of independent voters say it is not a right, because it forces an American to use their private property (money) to pay for it on top of forcing a doctor to relinquish his/her services and time which violates their personal liberties. OK, granted. The right makes a good point.

So, today, I put the right to challenge. I talked about abolishing the Department of Education. What do you think happened? Immediately, I received a swarm of comments from the very same people who argued the point against healthcare that education should be paid for by all because it "benefits us all". Now, some feel it is a right and some feel it is a priviledge. However, they all say that we should pay for this system. So, let me get this straight. The right wants us to be "smart" thanks to the taxpayer dollar, but wants our health to be paid privately. Hmmm, interesting.

That sparked a thought for me. I would like to list those things in life that we value as people. Tell me, please rank them in order of what you consider to be the most important to the least important in order to sustain life. I would guess that the things you really value the most are the very things that NO ONE is fighting to have a bill passed to provide as a "right". Yet, the least important ones are the ones that most of you ARE fighting for. Here they are in no specific order:


Just remember this people. Every single one of those things listed above existed in 1783 when the Constitution was drafted. Only a couple of them made it into the document. Why do you think that is? Do you think Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Ben Franklin were nuts?

Friday, August 28, 2009


Just got word this morning that Barney Frank has gotten on board with HR1207 "The Federal Reserve Transparency Act" and says it will be voted on and passed in October!!! All of the Phone Bombs I participated in, the phone calls to constituents, the speech I gave at SPSU, just added on top of the outrage and support from people like you who got behind this bill and made your voices heard. This is bigger than the Healthcare Bill (in my opinion) and bigger than anything else we have going on right now, because this is about our livelyhood. Check out the video...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

LiberalHater's Healthcare Bill

LiberalHater's Healthcare Reform Act of 2009 (LH2009)

I. Qualified Participants
A. American Citizen, either born or naturalized within the United States, that is actively doing one of the following:
1. Physically working and paying taxes.
2. Physically or Mentally handicapped and incapable of working.
3. Retired
4. Actively seeking employment (see below)
5. Veterans
B. Legal Immigrant that can provide documentation showing their legal status.

II. Unqualified Person/s
A. Any person found to have the following:
1. No proof of citizenship or legal immigration status
2. Traces of illegal substances or alcohol in their system at the time they receive services.
3. Physically able to seek employment, but has remained on the welfare system for six (6) months or longer without finding gainful employment.
4. Who has not paid their required taxes in full within 24 months of the required deadline.
5. Any welfare recipient who is seeking maternal services after their third child.

III. Hospital Requirements
A. All doctors/hospitals must be provided identification proving the citizenship or legal immigrant status before providing services.
B. Any person attempting to receive services that is found to not have the appropriate documentation will immediately be handed over to the Immigration and Naturalization Service for further investigation and/or deportation.
C. Any person that is qualified to receive services under Article I. Section A4 must submit to alcohol and drug testing before receiving any service. If the blood system shows traces of recent usage, services will be denied.
D. Unqualified person/s attempting to receive services and are found to have a public threatening illness will be immediately quarantined and necessary measures will be taken to restore them to a “safe condition” before release into the public.

IV. Government Requirements
A. In order to pay for this bill, it must be paid for in its entirety by accomplishing the following:
1. Congress will abolish the Federal Reserve System, pay down current debts to the Federal Reserve, and restore coining money interest and debt free to the American People.
2. Congress will abolish the Department of Education.
B. Abortions and Counseling Services will not be included.
C. No tax increases may take place at any income level either directly, or indirectly.

V. Provisions of Coverage
A. No one that qualifies under this plan may be denied service due to a pre-existing condition.
B. No one that is qualified will be denied service and/or passed up based on age or health condition.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Just wondering...

Let me ask you something, let's talk about this healthcare thing for a minute from another standpoint. OK, I have a couple of friends that actually believe they want to help those that are "working 2 jobs and can't afford health insurance". That's a legitimate concern, I agree. So, I have been thinking this through. What if we did the following:

1. We had a bill that would provide coverage for all actively working American Citizens, Legal Immigrants, the handicapped, and those that are able bodied to work and are actively trying to get some work.

2. Everyone would have to submit to drug and alcohol screening before receiving services if you're not actively working.

3. The hospitals and doctors would be required to check for proper identification to prove your citizenship and/or legal status. If you can't provide it, you don't get services.

4. Abortions would not be covered.

5. Counceling (marriage, personal, etc) would not be covered.

6. The ENTIRE program is paid for by eliminating one MAJOR program (like the Department of Education) so that not one single penny is taken away from the American People to pay for it. You want a new program, get rid of an old one of equal value.

If people agreed to this, I MIGHT be willing to sacrifice my liberty ideals to support it. Convince me if I'm right or wrong. Please, chime in.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The "A" Word

ABORTION....Ohhhh, I bet that just gets under your skin doesn't it? Why is that? Well, to put it plainly, it's because you probably feel the same way I do. It's a stalemate. This is like playing Tic-Tac-Toe, you're never going to win. People tout about how there are two sides to this, Pro-Life and Pro-Choice. I happen to believe that there are really three positions, Pro-Life, Pro-Choice (as an individual), and Pro-CollectiveChoice (as a combined people). I stand in the last option on my opinions. Let me explain...

I, personally, believe that life begins at conception. However, I am also a true believer in liberty. This is a moral issue and there is no denying that. If you hear the viewpoints of those that oppose abortion and those that want choice, they both have OUTSTANDING arguments. That's why it's stalemate. No one will ever win that fight, because they both have excellent points to make to "prove" their side. So, how do we resolve it?

I was giving this some thought recently and it really started eating at my brain last night when I went to the GOP meeting in my district to hear Ray McBerry (the Georgia Governor Candidate) talk about State's Rights and Freedom. He is a Pro-Life Candidate and said that government should always default on life when there is ever a question. Although I do agree with this, it raises concerns for me. Should we really allow a politician decide morality?

If you recall in the Scott and Laci Peterson trial, Scott was charged and convicted in a court of law for double homocide since his wife was pregnant at the time. Yet, this very same court system would not feel that it was murder if Laci had taken upon herself to abort the child. Is this not a double standard??? The problem is, there has never been a precendence set for the rule of law.

Therefore, I propose that a referendum vote be put up to the American People and let us decide COLLECTIVELY one simple question: "Does life begin at conception or birth?" Whatever we decide as a whole should be an amendment to the Constitution explaining where life begins when we deal with the "right to life" issue. This will set a precedence for all law and not just abortion.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Where we are...

I've been sitting here today thinking about where this country has gone just in the last 6 months. It is an amazing feat I must say. There were some very positive things that seemed to be possible, but it all crashed down fairly fast. As it stands we have:

1. The first African-American President who is on a continual path to destroying the hope of any other black man/woman of being elected to that office in my lifetime.
2. He has achieved falling in the #3 slot on my top 5 worst Presidents ever. Yes, Woodrow Wilson and Ulysses S. Grant come before him.
3. We are about to embark upon the largest program of fascist nature in American history.
4. A federal deficit that once the healthcare bill is put into place, will reach not only a record, but an astronomical $21.5 Trillion.
5. We are close to another Great Depression.
6. We're now losing the war in Afghanistan.
7. Legislators that actually believe we don't know what we're talking about and want to rush through legislation even when 75% of us don't want it.
8. Proposals to amend the Constitution to include a right to healthcare.
9. States tossing around the idea of succession.
10. The closest we have ever come to an outright Revolution since the days of The War Between the States.

Where do you sit in all of this?

Friday, July 31, 2009

75% of Americans Favor Auditing The Federal Reserve

I really don't understand this. Why is this not getting more press and people like Boortz, Hannity, and Limbaugh not talking about this? Am I the only one out there that believes The Federal Reserve is the one top problem we have in this country and by auditing (and eventually abolishing) them we can almost certainly fix many of the problems we have in this country? Anyhow, I pulled this off of this morning....

So Much For Secrecy: 75% of Americans Favor Auditing The Federal Reserve
By tmartin • July 30, 20093 comments
So much for the ongoing secrecy of the nation’s independent central banking system. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 75% of Americans favor auditing the Federal Reserve and making the results available to the public.
Just nine percent (9%) of adults think that’s a bad idea and oppose it. Fifteen percent (15%) aren’t sure. Over half the members of the House now support a bill giving the Government Accounting Office, Congress’ investigative agency, the authorization to audit the books of the Federal Reserve Board.
Support for the bill has grown now that the Obama administration is proposing to give the Fed greater economic regulatory powers. The Fed which sets U.S. monetary policy was created as an [ostensibly] independent agency to keep it free of politically-motivated interference.
Rasmussen Survey of 1,000 AdultsJuly 27-28, 2009
“A proposal has been made to audit the Federal Reserve and make the results available to the public. Do you favor or oppose auditing the Federal Reserve?”
Favor: 75%Oppose: 9%Not sure: 15%
This telephone survey of 1,000 Adults was conducted by Rasmussen Reports on July 27-28, 2009. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence (see methodology).

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Unemployment, Education, and that twit Obama

I was driving in this morning, only to hear that the state of Georgia has now hit a record 10.1% unemployment rate. The reason it is the highest on record for this state, is because we are a state of construction and manufacturing. Both have come to a complete halt. Well, this isn't very comforting for a guy who is 4 classes away from finishing his Construction Management degree. Although, I've been working in this industry for quite some time and don't need the degree, but I had high hopes when I first started pursuing it almost 12 years ago. Yes, I've been attending college for 12 years after a run in the military. Oh well, at least I have a good job already.

Then, I hear that 2 year schools have astronomical registrations since the decline in the economy. Looks like everyone is finding another career after realizing theirs isn't fairing too well. I hear that nursing is the way to go these days. I'm sure that a bankruptcy attorney would be a good job right now too.

Lastly, I pulled up Drudge Report this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see that a military soldier who was issued orders to Afghanistan had refused to go, because he didn't feel he needed to take orders from a man who can't prove he's an American Citizen and qualified to be President of the United States. Well, the funny news is, he won the case!!! He actually had his orders revoked, because the military couldn't provide proof that Obama is an American Citizen. How funny is THAT???

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Post Michael Jackson

Thank God we've finally moved past all of the news coverage. I was getting sick of reading and hearing about the "half-black celebrity with zombie followers". Oh wait, no we haven't. He's headed to the G-8 Summit in Italy. Wonderful.

On another note, Jim DeMint was on the floor of the Senate and tried to add an Amendment to the appropriations bill that would call for an audit of the Federal Reserve. However, the Lamocrats told him that it couldn't be added because it violated rule #16. Yet, DeMint showed them that they have added identical amendments to bills and they let it through even though it violated rule #16. Double standard?? I would say so.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

HR1207 "The Federal Reserve Transparency Act"

Well, as of yesterday, it is now up to 245 Co-Sponsors!!! We are 16 away from a SuperMajority, which would eliminate the filibuster. People will be surprised at what we find when we finally audit the largest scam on America.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Federal Reserve System - Part III

So, in my previous note "The Federal Reserve System - Part II", I spoke of the incident that sparked the thought process that went into the formation of the Federal Reserve System. To quickly recap, this was due to J.P. Morgan falsifying rumors about a competitor and starting the Great Panic of 1907. As Frederick Allen of Life Magazine is quoted, "The Morgan interests took advantage…to precipitate the Panic [of 1907] guiding it shrewdly as it progressed.” It was his response to the fact that smaller banks were beginning to break into the banking industry and take away competition from him, The Rockefellers, The Warburgs, The Rothschields, and Kuhn, Loeb, & Co. They were referred to as "The Money Trust".

So, what happened after The Great Panic? Shortly thereafter, J.P. Morgan, The Rockefellers, and the rest of The Money Trust began doing joint ventures with each other. In other words, they began business ventures as partners and began seeing how beneficial it was to them, because they had a vested interest in keeping the monopoly of the banking industry. While this was taking place, the Senate Majority Whip at the time was Nelson Aldrich. Now Sen. Aldrich cooked up a plan to make sure that the Great Panic of 1907 would never happen again. He decided to set up a meeting with key people to hatch out this new banking plan. The strange thing is, not a single person was notified that he had scheduled this meeting other than the 6 individuals he invited to the meeting. Not a single person in Congress nor the public knew of this meeting. It was because he made it a secret meeting and the 6 individuals he invited were given strict instructions:

1. They were to travel alone and not together to their destination.
2. If they bumped into each other, they were to use first names only.
3. If the press asked them any questions, they were to say they were going duck hunting together.
4. They were not to speak to anyone regarding this meeting under any circumstances.

Now, these six individuals did just that. They arrived at a train station and boarded a box car that was waiting for them to take them south. This was the personal boxcar of Sen. Aldrich. The train took them all the way down to, none other than Georgia and they took a ferry over to Jekyll Island. Over the next several days, they hatched out what would be known as "The Federal Reserve System".

You would ask, who were these men? The first reaction would be that they must be someone who is against the banking industry if they're hatching out a bill to abolish the old Money Trust, right? Well, it turns out the following men were the attendees:

1. Senator Nelson Aldrich – Whip of the Senate & Chairman of the National Monetary Committee. Close business associate of J.P. Morgan. Father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and eventually the grandfather of Nelson Rockefeller, our former Vice President.

2. Abraham Andrew – Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

3. Paul Warburg – He was most important, because he knew the banking dealings in Europe. He was a partner in Kuhn, Loeb, & Company and a Representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty in England and France where he maintained very close working relationships throughout his entire career with his brother, Max Warburg, who was the head of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany and the Netherlands.

4. Frank Vanderlip –He was the President of the National City Bank of New York which was the largest of all of the banks in America representing the financial interests of William Rockefeller and the international investment firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company.

5. Charles Norton – President of the First National Bank of New York

6. Benjamin Strong – Head of J.P. Morgan’s Bankers Trust Company & would eventually become the first head of the Federal Reserve System.

7. Henry Davison – Senior Partner of J.P. Morgan Co.

You're probably saying, "Liberalhater, you made up the whole thing about the secrecy. Please tell me you're kidding." Well, why don't we see what Frank Vanderlip (one of the attendees and architects of the bill) said about it in the Saturday Evening Post in 1935, "I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System. We were told to leave our last names behind us. We were told further that we should avoid dining together on the night of our departure. We were instructed to come one at a time and as unobtrusively as possible to the railroad terminal on the New Jersey littoral of the Hudson where Senator Aldrich’s private car would be in readiness attached to the rear-end of a train to the south. Once aboard the private car we began to observe the taboo that had been fixed on last names. We addressed one another as Ben, Paul, Nelson and Abe. Davison and I adopted even deeper disguises abandoning our first names. On the theory that we were always right, he became Wilbur and I became Orville after those two aviation pioneers the Wright Brothers. The servants and train crew may have known the identities of one or two of us, but they did not know all and it was the names of all printed together that would’ve made our mysterious journey significant in Washington, in Wall Street, even in London. Discovery we knew simply must not happen. If it were to be exposed publicly that our particular group had got together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance, whatever, of passage by Congress.”

These men were the architects that created the Federal Reserve System. You note, above, that Sen. Aldrich was tied to the Morgan's and Rockefeller's. He was using members of The Money Trust to abolish The Money Trust. Why is that?? It's because it was never intended to be abolished at all. It was only to be strengthened while you were decieved into believing it was eliminated. G. Edward Griffin, in "The Creature from Jekyll Island", is quoted as saying, "That was like asking the fox to build the hen house and install the security system.”

Now, I will leave you with a little bit of information about what happened AFTER they wrote this banking bill. Sen. Aldrich took it back to Washington and then campaigned AGAINST THE BILL. Why??? He helped to write it!! Well, it's because everyone at the time knew that he was tied to the banking industry and it made people think that "if a banker is against a banking bill, it must be a good bill so we should pass it". It worked, because on December 22nd, 1913, the bill passed and Woodrow Wilson signed it into law.Woodrow Wilson wrote this after signing the bill into law, "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
Scared yet????

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Federal Reserve System - Part II

Now that I've taken the time to wake you up to some of the shocking facts about the Federal Reserve System, let's take a look at how it all started. This condensed story is all based on facts (which I will cite through my writing) and how it was created, alone, demonstrates how corrupt it was from its' inception. This blog will be in many parts so that you aren't overwhelmed with the reading...

Prior to 1913, banks were privately owned and competed against each other for business. Banks could not loan money to anyone unless they either had an equal amount in their reserves (the actual bank vault) or they were positive they could cover it. If a bank overextended itself, it would go out of business. A perfect example of this is the movie "It's a Wonderful Life". Remember how George Bailey's bank was consantly competing with Mr. Potter's bank? Well in one scene of the movie, you may recall George's uncle losing some cash and George freaking out over it, all the while Mr. Potter was trying to coax George's customers over to his bank for pennies on the dollar. Well, this was a reality. Banks could determine their own interest rates and if someone didn't like it, they could go somewhere else for a better interest rate (now, I realize that is SOMEWHAT the case today, but I'll show later how it's not really the same).

Leading up to 1913, there were a very small handful of major, or superbanks. They were owned by J.P. Morgan, The Rockefellers, the Warburg family, the Rothschield family, and the European stronghold of Kuhn, Loeb, & Company. They literally had a monopoly on the banking industry. They eventually were referred to as "The Money Trust". It wasn't until the turn of the century when smaller banks were achieving greater success at breaking into this industry. This frightened The Money Trust and John D. Rockefeller is quoted as saying, "Competition is a sin".

Therefore, in 1907, J.P. Morgan had all he could stand. He wasn't going to allow these smaller banks to break into the business. So, he publish in several newspapers and even put word of mouth on the street that one of his competitors (The Bank of New York) was running out of cash. Now keep in mind, this was a completely fabricated and false rumor he started. This caused almost exactly what you saw in "It's a Wonderful Life". The people who banked at The Bank of New York panicked and rushed to the bank to make massive withdrawls of their money. Afterall, who wants to hear that their money is gone??? This caused a domino effect and trickled over to other banks and sparked what is known today as The Great Panic of 1907. J.P. Morgan "came to the rescue" (even though he started all of this) and offered to cover the losses of the customers. Thus began, what we will discuss later, the beginning of the idea that formed the Federal Reserve System.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Federal Reserve System - Part I

Well, I've been pondering writing this note, because I felt like most of you would be bored within the first paragraph. I mean really, who actually finds politics and the Federal Reserve System to be an exciting read? So, why not cut through the boring stuff and post the things that are a real shocker to all of you. I would venture to guess that 98% of Americans don't know the following:

1. What department of the U.S. Government does the Federal Reserve System fall under? The answer is: NONE. It is a privately owned corporation, controlled by a board of bankers, and is contracted to the U.S. Government to handle all money circulation in this country and abroad. I bet you would say, "Well it's called the FEDERAL Reserve." Is Federal Express part of the government?? Don't believe me? Check out the Circuit Court of Appeals case of Lewis v. United States in 1982.
2. Since it is a private corporation, you would assume it pays corporate taxes right? WRONG. It does not have to pay taxes under it's contractual agreement it made with the U.S. Government in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Have you ever wondered how much money flows through that corporation??? I would venture to guess it makes Exxon's Profits (that so many of you are complaining about) look like a mom and pop shop.
3. The U.S. Dollar was worth 22 times what it is worth today. Let me put that in perspective for you. A meager $10,000 salary at McDonalds today, would be worth a $220,000 salary if the Federal Reserve System didn't exist. Your $30,000 car you bought would actually only cost you $1,364.00. With me so far?
4. Part of their contractual agreement with us was that they get to control how much they are paid for their services. That's why you hear on the television all of the time about how the Fed Chairman is going to raise or lower interest points. That means he is deciding whether he increases his profit or lowers it.
5. How much do we owe the Federal Reserve System? Currently, our national debt is at $11 Trillion. Today, the Government pays down our debt at a rate EQUAL to the amount of money that the government takes in through income and payroll taxes. This basically means, that if we abolished the Federal Reserve System (thus abolishing the interest and debt), we abolish the need for income and payroll taxes. So, we don't need to replace it with any FairTax or any other tax structure. You would get to keep 100% of your paycheck.
6. Another neat little agreement with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 states that, at any time, we can opt out of this contract for only $450 Million. That's about $25 per American versus the $36,000 each American owes today. We can restore coining money back to the American People interest and debt free.

Maybe this will wake you up and make you realize who it really is that is raping you each and every day. Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Joe Biden, Dick Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, Newt Gingrich, and all of the rest of the "line walking" Republicans and Democrats don't care, because they get a blank check to spend each and every day when the Federal Reserve creates more money out of thin air. I will leave you with this last thought and let you decide if you're interested in hearing more about the biggest scam on America....That $1 Trillion Stimulus Package that Obama created recently? The Federal Reserve will get paid approximately $10 Billion in profit just for doing NOTHING but changing the books. Wouldn't you love to have a company that pays no taxes and makes profit for doing nothing at all?