Friday, June 19, 2009

The Federal Reserve System - Part I

Well, I've been pondering writing this note, because I felt like most of you would be bored within the first paragraph. I mean really, who actually finds politics and the Federal Reserve System to be an exciting read? So, why not cut through the boring stuff and post the things that are a real shocker to all of you. I would venture to guess that 98% of Americans don't know the following:

1. What department of the U.S. Government does the Federal Reserve System fall under? The answer is: NONE. It is a privately owned corporation, controlled by a board of bankers, and is contracted to the U.S. Government to handle all money circulation in this country and abroad. I bet you would say, "Well it's called the FEDERAL Reserve." Is Federal Express part of the government?? Don't believe me? Check out the Circuit Court of Appeals case of Lewis v. United States in 1982.
2. Since it is a private corporation, you would assume it pays corporate taxes right? WRONG. It does not have to pay taxes under it's contractual agreement it made with the U.S. Government in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Have you ever wondered how much money flows through that corporation??? I would venture to guess it makes Exxon's Profits (that so many of you are complaining about) look like a mom and pop shop.
3. The U.S. Dollar was worth 22 times what it is worth today. Let me put that in perspective for you. A meager $10,000 salary at McDonalds today, would be worth a $220,000 salary if the Federal Reserve System didn't exist. Your $30,000 car you bought would actually only cost you $1,364.00. With me so far?
4. Part of their contractual agreement with us was that they get to control how much they are paid for their services. That's why you hear on the television all of the time about how the Fed Chairman is going to raise or lower interest points. That means he is deciding whether he increases his profit or lowers it.
5. How much do we owe the Federal Reserve System? Currently, our national debt is at $11 Trillion. Today, the Government pays down our debt at a rate EQUAL to the amount of money that the government takes in through income and payroll taxes. This basically means, that if we abolished the Federal Reserve System (thus abolishing the interest and debt), we abolish the need for income and payroll taxes. So, we don't need to replace it with any FairTax or any other tax structure. You would get to keep 100% of your paycheck.
6. Another neat little agreement with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 states that, at any time, we can opt out of this contract for only $450 Million. That's about $25 per American versus the $36,000 each American owes today. We can restore coining money back to the American People interest and debt free.

Maybe this will wake you up and make you realize who it really is that is raping you each and every day. Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Joe Biden, Dick Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, Newt Gingrich, and all of the rest of the "line walking" Republicans and Democrats don't care, because they get a blank check to spend each and every day when the Federal Reserve creates more money out of thin air. I will leave you with this last thought and let you decide if you're interested in hearing more about the biggest scam on America....That $1 Trillion Stimulus Package that Obama created recently? The Federal Reserve will get paid approximately $10 Billion in profit just for doing NOTHING but changing the books. Wouldn't you love to have a company that pays no taxes and makes profit for doing nothing at all?

1 comment:

  1. Okay, back in town now, and here you have me some home work!

    off to read now.....
