Monday, August 17, 2009

Just wondering...

Let me ask you something, let's talk about this healthcare thing for a minute from another standpoint. OK, I have a couple of friends that actually believe they want to help those that are "working 2 jobs and can't afford health insurance". That's a legitimate concern, I agree. So, I have been thinking this through. What if we did the following:

1. We had a bill that would provide coverage for all actively working American Citizens, Legal Immigrants, the handicapped, and those that are able bodied to work and are actively trying to get some work.

2. Everyone would have to submit to drug and alcohol screening before receiving services if you're not actively working.

3. The hospitals and doctors would be required to check for proper identification to prove your citizenship and/or legal status. If you can't provide it, you don't get services.

4. Abortions would not be covered.

5. Counceling (marriage, personal, etc) would not be covered.

6. The ENTIRE program is paid for by eliminating one MAJOR program (like the Department of Education) so that not one single penny is taken away from the American People to pay for it. You want a new program, get rid of an old one of equal value.

If people agreed to this, I MIGHT be willing to sacrifice my liberty ideals to support it. Convince me if I'm right or wrong. Please, chime in.

1 comment:

  1. LOL that's a good one. You would never get the lib doctors and hospitals to agree to refuse treatment even if it was law! They would "doctor" the paperwork to get it paid.

    Give up the Federal Reserve, now we're talking!

    I liked the idea of just letting the "me me" crowd join the same health care group that Congress is in. No big bureaucracy required, it's already there!
